Fixed Type Single Bucket

We offer you a premium quality machine imported all the way from TURKEY.You can milk a cow/buffalo with minimum efforts and also assure the safety of animal.This machine supports pipelining so can milk upto 10-12 animals simultaneously.

Available in Galvanized and Electrostatic paint chassis.

Parameter Value
Chassis Electrostatic Paint/Galvanized
Bucket 30 Lt Stainless Steel
Claw 200cc
Liner Rubber
Parameter Value
Engine 0.55kW-220V-1450r.p.m
Pump Oily - 200 lt/min

Trolly Type Double Cluster Milking Machine

We offer you a premium quality machine imported all the way from TURKEY.You can milk a cow/buffalo with minimum efforts and also assure the safety of animal.This machine provides you portability for milking of the animal.

Parameter Value
Chassis Electrostatic Paint
Bucket 30 Lt Stainless Steel
Claw 200cc
Liner Rubber
Parameter Value
Engine 0.55kW-220V-1450r.p.m
Pump Oily - 200 lt/min

TMR model Z3

Fodder is probably the most important aspect that a individual should consider while nourishment of cattle. TMR comes with a solution that offers perfectly grinded and mixed fodder for the cattle for heigher yield.It comes with some extraordinary features like:

Weighing Scale + Rotation System
Back Loader
Strong Chassis
Chain Transmission
Electric motor + Tractor Connection
Full laser Cutting
Quality Control
After Sales Service

Parameter Value
Capacity 3 M^3
Width 1500 mm
Length 3400 mm
Height 1720 mm
Parameter Value
No. of Blades 56 Adet
Machine Weight 950 kg
Power required 30-40 hp

Swinging Cow Brush

Interest in environmental enrichment and ways to enhance dairy cow well-being is increasing. Cow brushes are an easy way to help enrich dairy cow environments, and have possible benefits past the fulfillment of natural behaviors. Cows use grooming as a way to cope up with stressful situations which improves their health.

Parameter Value
Rotating speed 22 rpm
Dimensions 90 X 90 X 82 cm
Width 60 cm
Weight 35 kg
Parameter Value
Installation Height 100 cm
Diameter 50 cm